
职 称:教授、博士生导师
教授、博导,享受国务院政府特殊津贴,中国力学学会理事、湖北省力学学会理事长、Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica副主编。主持了2009年全国压电和声波理论及器件技术研讨会暨2009年全国频率控制技术年会,联合主持了2010全国固体力学会议暨《固体力学学报》创刊三十周年庆祝会议,发起并主持了江苏湖北浙江三省力学学术会议。分别于2000年和2004年赴美国Nebraska大学和加州大学做访问教授。主持了多项国家自然科学基金面上和重点项目研究。系统开展了约束气泡动力学、智能结构与控制、压电声波器件及其无线供能技术、压电半导体结构和器件等研究。发表SCI论文170余篇,获得国家授权专利12项,获得2012年度国家技术发明二等奖一项(R5),获得2009年度国家优秀博士论文提名奖指导奖一项,获得湖北省优秀博士论文奖指导奖两项,获得湖北省自然科学三等奖两项(R1)。研究方向:压电材料与智能结构、压电半导体结构与器件等。
1982年09月——1986年07月 武汉理工大学,本科;
1986年09月——1988年12月 哈尔滨工业大学,硕士;
1989年03月——1992年11月 上海大学,博士;
1993年06月——1995年06月 上海市应用数学和力学研究所,博士后;
1995年09月——1997年10月 华中理工大学,博士后;
1997年11月——2000年03月 华中理工大学力学系,副教授;
2000年04月——2001年05月 University of Nebraska访问学者;
2001年06月——2003年12月 华中科技大学力学系,教授,博导;
2004年02月——2005年03月 University of California访问教授;
2005年03月——2020年08月 华中科技大学土木工程与力学学院,教授;
2020年08月——至今 华中科技大学航空航天学院,教授;
1.胡元太, 杨万里, 王耘波, 曾祥斌,一种压电PN结模块在声-电二极管中的应用,2022,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 2022 1 0392220.8。
2.胡元太,杨万里,范帅棋,梁禹星,一种伏安特征可调的压电PN结模块及其调控方法和应用,2019,国家发明专利.专利号: ZL 2019 1 0223062.8。(申请公布号:CN110148665A)
3.胡元太,王羽茜,一种梁阵列形周期性压电复合结构减振装置及减振,国家发明专利,2016.专利号: ZL 2016 1 0223062.8。(申请公布号:CN105864350A)
4.胡洪平,江山,姜伟,胡元太,陈学东,一种周期腔体型低频宽带隙隔振器,2015,专利号:ZL 2015 2 0986840.X
5.陈学东,李小平,刘雷钧,李巍,廖飞红,罗欣,曾理湛,徐振高,胡元太,严天宏,徐甲强,一种水平二自由度隔振机构,国家发明专利,专利号: ZL 2009 1 0273183.3。
6.胡元太,杨嘉实,郭少华,石英晶体板厚度剪切谐振压力传感器,专利号: ZL 2006 1 0031555.8。
7.胡元太,薛欢,胡洪平,蒋树农,能高效俘能和储能的压电俘能器,专利号: ZL 2006 1 0031553.9。
8.胡元太,杨嘉实,薛欢,蒋树农,变截面Rosen型压电变压器,专利号:ZL 2006 1 0032417.1。
9.胡元太,杨嘉实,蒋树农,薛欢,悬挂集中质量的压电变压器,专利号: ZL 2006 2 0052622.X。
10.胡元太,王庆明,薛欢,胡洪平,生物传感芯片,专利号:ZL 2006 2 0052359.4。
11.胡元太,杨嘉实,郭少华,微型低频压电俘能器,专利号: ZL 2005 2 0051980.4。
12.胡洪平,杨嘉实,胡元太,陈学东,螺旋弹簧型低频压电俘能器,专利号: ZL 2011 1 0234398.1。
1.Wanli Yang, Jinxi Liu, Yizhan Yang, Yuantai Hu, The mechanism to reform dynamic performance of an elastic wave-front in a piezoelectric semiconductor by the wave-carriers interaction induced from static biasing fields, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, vol. 44(03): 381-396. (通讯作者)
2.Yizhan Yang, Wanli Yang, Yunbo Wang, Xiangbin Zeng and Yuantai Hu, A mechanically induced artificial potential barrier and its tuning mechanism on performance of piezoelectric PN junctions, Nano Energy, 2022, vol. 92, 106741: 1-11. (SCI) (通讯作者)
3.Wanli Yang, Jinxi Liu and Yuantai Hu, Mechanical tuning methodology on the barrier configuration near a piezoelectric PN interface and the regulation mechanism onI-Vcharacteristics of the junction. Nano Energy, 2021, vol. 81, 105581: 1-12. (通讯作者)
4. Wanli Yang, Jinxi Liu, Yongliang Xu and Yuantai Hu, A full-coupling model of PN junctions based on the global-domain carrier motions with inclusion of the two metal/semiconductor contacts at endpoints, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2020, vol. 41(06): 845-858. (通讯作者)
5.Yuxing Liang and Yuantai Hu, Effect of interaction among the three time scales on the propagation characteristics of coupled waves in a piezoelectric semiconductor rod, Nano Energy, 2020, vol. 68, 104345: 1-6. (通讯作者)
6.Wanli Yang, Yuantai Hu and Ernian Pan, Tuning electronic energy band in a piezoelectric semiconductor rod via mechanical loading, Nano Energy, 2019, vol. 66, 104147: 1-14. (通讯作者)
7.Wanli Yang, Shuaiqi Fan, Yuxing Liang and Yuantai Hu, Prestress-loading effect on the current–voltage characteristics of a piezoelectric p–n junction together with the corresponding mechanical tuning laws, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2019, vol. 10: 1833-1843. (通讯作者)
8.Yuxing Liang and Yuantai Hu, Influence of doping concentration on the outputs of a bent ZnO nanowire, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 2019, vol. 66(11): 1793-1797. (通讯作者)
9.Shuaiqi Fan, Yuantai Hu and Jiashi Yang, Stress-induced potential barriers and charge distributions in a piezoelectric semiconductor nanofiber, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2019, vol. 39(01): 29-38. (通讯作者)
10.Wanli Yang, Yuantai Hu and Jiashi Yang, Transient extensional vibration in a ZnO piezoelectric semiconductor nanofiber under a suddenly applied end force, Materials Research Express, 6 (2019) 025902. (通讯作者)
11.Shuaiqi Fan, Wanli Yang and Yuantai Hu, Adjustment and control on the fundamental characteristics of a piezoelectric PN junction by mechanical-loading, Nano Energy, 2018, vol. 52: 416-421. (通讯作者)
12.Yuxing Liang, Shuaiqi Fan, Xuedong Chen and Yuantai Hu, Nonlinear effect of carrier drift on the performance of an n-type ZnO nanowire nanogenerator by coupling piezoelectric effect and semiconduction, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2018, vol. 9: 1917-1925. (通讯作者)
13.Shuaiqi Fan, Yuxing Liang, Jiemin Xie and Yuantai Hu, Exact solutions to the electromechanical quantities inside a statically-bent circular ZnO nanowire by taking into account both the piezoelectric property and the semiconducting performance: Part I– linearized analysis, Nano Energy, 2017, vol. 40: 82-87. (通讯作者)
14.Yuxi Wang , Shengkai Niu and Yuantai Hu, A periodic piezoelectric smart structure with the integrated passive/active vibration-reduction performances, Smart Materials and Structures, 2017, 26: 065015 (1-8). (通讯作者)
15.Jiemin Xie, Shuaiqi Fan, Xuedong Chen and Yuantai Hu, Surface effects of surface nanowires on the dynamic behavior of a quartz crystal resonator under the thickness-shear mode vibrations, Acta Mechanica, 2017, vol. 228(07): 2443–2453. (通讯作者)
16.Xuan Xie, Jiemin Xie, Xuedong Chen and Yuantai Hu, On modeling of a thickness-shear vibrating quartz crystal plate attached with micro-beams immersed in liquid with considering couple stress effects, Z. Angew. Math. Mech.(ZAMM), 2017, vol.97(02):190-201. (通讯作者)
17.Jiemin Xie and Yuantai Hu, Electric admittance analysis of quartz crystal resonator in thickness-shear mode induced by array of surface viscoelastic micro-beams, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2017, vol. 38(01): 29-38. (通讯作者)
18.Jiemin Xie and Yuantai Hu, A two-dimensional model on the coupling thickness-shear vibrations of a quartz crystal resonator loaded by an array spherical-cap viscoelastic material units, Ultrasonics, 2016, 71: 194-198. (通讯作者)
19.Xuan Xie, Lingcheng Kong, Jun Zhang, Yuxi Wanga, Yuantai Hu, and Xuedong Chen, Coupled analysis on the thickness-shear vibrations of a quartz plate resonator covered with micro-beams immersed in inviscid liquid and computation of the induced frequency-shift by the surface loadings, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2016, vol. 23(07): 758-763. (通讯作者)
20.Lingcheng Kong, Xuan Xie, Jun Zhang, Yuxi Wang and Yuantai Hu, On the interaction between a quartz crystal resonator and an array of micro-beams in thickness-shear vibrations, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2015, vol. 28(05): 464-470. (通讯作者)
21.Lingcheng Kong and Yuantai Hu, Effect of strain-gradients of surface micro-beams on frequency-shift of a quartz crystal resonator under thickness-shear vibrations, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2015, vol. 31(05): 647–652. (通讯作者)
22.Xuan Xie, Lingcheng Kong, Yuxi Wang, Jun Zhang, Yuantai Hu, Effect of an array of hemispherical substance-units immersed in liquid on the thickness-shear vibrations of a quartz crystal plate, Journal of Mechanics, 2015, vol. 31(05): 591-595. (通讯作者)
23.Xuan Xie, Lingcheng Kong, Yuxi Wang, Jun Zhang, Yuantai Hu, Coupled vibrations and frequency shift of compound system consisting of quartz crystal resonator in thickness-shear motions and micro-beam array immersed in liquid, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2015, vol. 36(02): 225-232. (通讯作者)