
姓 名:朱亚新
职 称:教授
朱亚新,教授,博士(博士后),博士生导师。面向科学前沿的基础研究和国家重大需求的应用研究,长期从事:(1)超高/低温、高/超高应变率、氢腐蚀等极端条件下金属材料的力学行为与机理研究;(2)大型工程结构的建模与仿真,及商业软件二次开发技术研究。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项(11802099, 12072122),大型工程服务项目若干项。
截止目前,以第一作者或通讯作者在Int. J. Plasticity (一区Top期刊,IF=7.081)、Scripta Mater.(一区Top期刊,IF=5.611)、Extreme Mech. Lett.(一区Top期刊,IF=4.567)、Int. J. Hydrogen Energy(Top期刊,IF=5.816)、Mech. Mater. (IF=3. 266)、Comp. Mater. Sci. (IF=3.30)、J. Appl. Phys.(IF=2. 546)等国际学术期刊上发表SCI论文20余篇,引用400余次。代表性论文:
[1] Y Zhu, D Wu, L Zhao, S Liang, M Huang, Z Li, 2021, A novel shock-induced multistage phase transformation and underlying mechanism in textured Nano-Twinned Cu, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 48, 101448;
[2] J Wang, L Zhao, M Huang, Y Zhu*, Z Li, 2021, Hydrogen effect on the nanohardness in the vicinity of grain boundary: Experiment and theory, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 48, 101426;
[3] J Wang, L Zhao, M Huang, Y Zhu*, Z Li, 2021,Effect of Hydrogen on Dislocation Nucleation and Motion: Nanoindentation Experiment and Discrete Dislocation Dynamics Simulation, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 1-14;
[4] S Liang, M Huang, L Zhao, Y Zhu*, Z Li, 2021, Effect of multiple hydrogen embrittlement mechanisms on crack propagation behavior of FCC metals: Competition vs. synergy, International Journal of Plasticity, 143, 103023;
[5] J Chen, Y Zhu*, M Huang, L Zhao, S Liang, Z Li, 2021, Study on hydrogen-affected interaction between dislocation and grain boundary by MD simulation, Computational Materials Science, 196, 110562;
[6] D Wu, K Chen, Y Zhu*, L Zhao, M Huang, Z Li, 2021,Unveiling grain size effect on shock-induced plasticity and its underlying mechanisms in nano-polycrystalline Ta, Mechanics of Materials, 103952;
[7] D Wu, Y Zhu*, L Zhao, M Huang, Z Li, 2021, Atomistic investigation of mechanical response and deformation mechanism of BCC Ta under double shock loading, Journal of Applied Physics 129 (17), 175110;
[8] Y Zhu, Z Zheng, M Huang, S Liang, Z Li, 2020, Modeling of solute hydrogen effect on various planar fault energies, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45 (15), 9162-9173;
[9] Z Zheng, S Liang, Y Zhu*, M Huang, Z Li, 2020, Studying hydrogen effect on the core structure and mobility of dislocation in nickel by atomistically-informed generalized Peierls–Nabarro model, Mechanics of Materials, 140, 103221;
[10] H Fan, Y Zhu, JA El-Awady, D Raabe, 2018, Precipitation hardening effects on extension twinning in magnesium alloys, International Journal of Plasticity, 106, 186-202;
[11] Y Zhu, Z Li, M Huang. 2018,Solute hydrogen effects on plastic deformation mechanisms of α-Fe with twist grain boundary, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43(22): 10481-10495;
[12] Y Zhu, Z Li, M Huang, Q Xiong, 2018, The shock response of crystalline Ni with H-free and H-segregated< 1 1 0> symmetric tilt GBs, Computational Materials Science, 147: 258-271;
[13] J Xiong, Y Zhu*, Z Li, M Huang, 2018, Hydrogen-enhanced interfacial damage in Ni-based single crystal superalloy, Scripta Materialia, 143: 30-34;
[14] Y Zhu, Z Li, M Huang, H Fan, 2017, Study on interactions of an edge dislocation with vacancy-H complex by atomistic modelling, International Journal of Plasticity, 92: 31-44;
[15] J Xiong, Y Zhu*, Z Li, M Huang, 2017, Quantitative study on interactions between interfacial misfit dislocation networks and matrix dislocations in Ni-based single crystal superalloys, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 30(4): 345-353;
[16] Y Zhu, Z Li, M Huang, Yu Liu, 2015,Strengthening mechanisms of the nanolayered polycrystalline metallic multilayers assisted by twins. International Journal of Plasticity, 72: 168-184;
[17] Y Zhu, Z Li, M Huang, 2014, The size effect and plastic deformation mechanism transition in the nanolayered polycrystalline metallic multilayers. Journal of Applied Physics, 115(23): 233508;
[18] Y Zhu, Z Li, M Huang, 2013, Coupled effect of sample size and grain size in polycrystalline Al nanowires, Scripta Materialia, 68(9): 663-666;
[19] Y Zhu, Z Li, M Huang, 2013, Atomistic modeling of the interaction between matrix dislocation and interfacial misfit dislocation networks in Ni-based single crystal superalloy. Computational Materials Science, 70: 178-186;
[20] 熊骏,李振环,朱亚新*,黄敏生, 2017,基于微结构动态演化机制的单晶镍基高温合金晶体塑性本构及其有限元模拟,力学学报 49 (4), 763-781;
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ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yaxin-Zhu/publications