崔新光 副教授
国籍 中国
Xinguang CUI,Associate Professor
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Email: xinguang_cui@hust.edu.cn; loneboard@163.com
现任世界华人生物医学工程协会终身会员,中国力学学会会员、中国生物工程学会高级会员、中国颗粒学会青年理事、中国颗粒协会气溶胶专委会委员。任 Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices 杂志的section editor、 Journal of Modern Industry and Manufacturing杂志的associate editor以及其它数个杂志的编委和审稿人。曾主持/参与10余个世界前沿项目,并在国际著名学术杂志 Science of the total Environment 和 Environmental Research letters等杂志共发表 40余篇 SCI 文章,出版译著一本。
2001.10 - 2005.07 北京航空航天大学航空科学与工程学院;流体力学专业;本科
2005.08 - 2008.01 清华大学航天航空学;流体力学专业;硕士
2008.09 - 2012.06 德国海德堡大学交叉科学计算所;流体力学专业;博士
05.2019 - 至今 华中科技大学; 副教授
03.2014 - 05.2019 美国伯克利国家实验室;历任访问学者和项目科学家等
08.2013 - 03.2014 美国加州大学莫赛德分校;博士后
07.2012 - 08.2013 新加坡南洋理工大学;研究员
08.2008 - 09.2008 德国海德堡大学;访问学者
1, 2019-2022;胶体粒子在生物流体和环境流体中的输运和沉积规律;启动经费;主持
2, 2022-2025;考虑呼吸道生理特性的人体呼吸道内的气体流动和胶体粒子输运沉积规律的研究;国家自然科学基金面上项目;主持
3, 2021-2022;气量调节装置结构设计;横向项目;主持
4. 2022-至今, xxxx项目,国防横向;主持
5,2023-至今, xxxx 项目,国防纵向,主持
4, 2020-2022;病毒在人体呼吸道和周边环境的传播规律的数值研究;主持
5, 2018-2022;全呼吸系统内的气体流动的数值研究;德州理工大学合作项目;主持
6, 2008-2012;上呼吸道内的流场和粒子的输运和沉积的数值模拟;德国科学基金委员会博士生项目;项目负责人
7, 2017-2018;生物燃料的原料供给的空间分析; 美国能源部项目;参与(核心成员)
8, 2014-2017;基于卫星和地面测量方法量化加州地区的来自化石燃料和生物圈的二氧化碳通量;美国航空航天局;参与(核心成员)
9, 2014-2016;利用大气测量和反演方法修正加州温室气体排放量;美国加州气候资源局;参与(核心成员)
10, 2014-2015;利用挥发性有机物的现场测量来界定加州中心谷地区的温室气体排放;美国加州气候资源局;参与(核心成员)
11, 2014-2016;加州的基础设施的天然气排放源研究;美国加州能源委员会;参与
[1] 崔新光, 李仁府. 人体呼吸系统的计算流体与粒子动力学基础[译著]. 哈尔滨工程大学出版社, 2021.
[2] Tang K, Gao W, Tao D, Wu B, Xue Y, Ge H, Cui* X. Numerical investigations of translocation characteristics of nano-silica lunar dust across pulmonary surfactant monolayer. Environmental pollution, 2024, 347, 123780.
[3] Cui* X. Song W, Xue Y, Jing H, Lei M, Ma H, He X, Zou P, Wu B, Wang J. Numerical analysis of micro lunar dust deposition in the human nasal airway. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 461: 132682.
[4] Jing H, Ge H, Tang H, Farnoud A, Islam M, Wang# L, Wang C, Cui* X. Assessing airflow unsteadiness in the human respiratory tract under different expiration conditions. Journal of Biomechanics, 2024, 162:111910.
[5] Cui* X, Song W, Xue# Y, Guan H, Zhang J, He X, Ma H, Lei M, Wang J, Li Y. Numerical investigations of the micro lunar dust particles deposition in the human oral respiratory airway. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 448: 130886.
[6] Jing H, Ge H, Wang# L, Choi S, Farnoud A, An Z, Lai W, Cui* X. Investigating unsteady airflow characteristics in the human upper airway based on the clinical inspiration data. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35(10).
[7] Jing H, Ge H, Zhou Q, Wang# L, Chen L, Pourmehran O, Cui* X. Quantitative analysis of the airflow characteristics in a human whole-lung airway model using large eddy simulation method. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35, 071903.
[8] Tang K, Ge H, Choi S, Xi# Z, Cui* X. Numerical investigations of translocation characteristics of non-spherical silica nanoparticles across pulmonary surfactant monolayer under different respiratory states using coarse-grained molecular dynamics method. Powder Technology, 2023, 428, 118851.
[9] Wang J, Jing H, Feng Y, Ge H, Chen L, Lin J, Xi# Z, Cui* X. Numerical investigations of the particle deposition in the human terminal alveoli under the Martian gravity. Powder Technology, 2023, 415: 118193.
[10] 冯亚宁, 崔新光*. 不同环境温度对人体呼吸道内颗粒物沉积规律的影响. 医用生物力学, 2023, 38(3).
[11] Taheri M, Askari N, Feng Y, Nabaei M, Islam M, Farnoud A, Cui* X. Swirling flow and capillary diameter effect on the performance of an active dry powder inhalers. Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices, 2023.
[12] Atyabi S A, Afshari E, Song W, Cui* X. Numerical simulation of membrane humidifier with different flow fields for medical application. Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices, 2022: 100124.
[13] Ge H, Zhao P, Choi S, Deng T, Feng Y, Cui* X. Effects of face shield on an emitter during a cough process: a large-eddy simulation study. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 831: 154856.
[14] Ge H, Chen L, Xu C, Cui* X. Large-eddy simulation of droplet-contained cough jets with a manikin model. Indoor and Built Environment, 2022, 31: 1271-1286.
[15] Wang L, Ge H, Chen L, Hajipour A, Feng Y, Cui* X. LES study on the impact of airway deformation on the airflow structures in the idealized mouth-throat model. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2022, 44: 1-16.
[16] Narayanana J, Lin J, Feng Y, Cui*,# X. Numerical study on the impact of mucus layer and inlet air-temperatures on the particle deposition in a highly idealized mouth-throat model using LES. Powder Technology, 2022, 395: 455-475.
[17] Taheri M H, Cui* X. The Impact of the endotracheal intubation tube diameter on drug delivery during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation process. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2022.
[18] Chen W, Wang L, Chen L, Ge* H, Cui* X. Numerical study of the impact of glottis properties on the airflow field in the human trachea using v-les. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, 2021, 295(1): 103784.
[19] Taheri M, Pourmehran O, Sarafraz M, Ahookhosh K, Farnoud A, Cui* X. Effect of swirling flow and particle-release pattern on drug delivery to the human tracheobronchial airways. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2021, 20(6): 2451-2469.
[20] Cui* X, Ge H, Wu W, Feng Y, Wang J. LES study of the respiratory airflow field in a whole-lung airway model considering steady respiration. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2021, 43: 1411.
[21] Cui* X, Wu W, Ge* H. Investigation of airflow field in the upper airway under unsteady respiration pattern using large eddy simulation method. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 2020, 279: 103468-103468.
[22] Cui* X, Newman S, Xu X, et al. Atmospheric observation-based estimation of fossil fuel CO2 emissions from regions of central and southern California. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 664: 381-391.
[23] Cui* X, Gutheil E. Large eddy simulation of the flow pattern in an idealized mouth-throat under unsteady inspiration flow conditions. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 2018, 252-253: 38-46.
[24] Cui X, Littringer E M, Urbanetz N A, Gutheil* E. Large eddy simulation of polydisperse particle deposition in an idealized mouth-throat. Atomization and Sprays, 2018, 28: 179-193.
[25] Cui* X, Wu W, Gutheil E. Numerical study of the airflow structures in an idealized mouth-throat under light and heavy breathing intensities using large eddy simulation. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 2018, 248: 1-9.
[26] Cui X, Kavvada O, Huntington T, Scown* C. Strategies for Near-Term Scale-Up of Cellulosic Biofuel Production Using Sorghum and Crop Residues in the US. Environmental Research letters, 2018, 13(12).
[27] Wu* W, Geng L, Niu Y, Qi D, Cui* X, Fang D. Compression twist deformation of novel tetrachiral architected cylindrical tube inspired by towel gourd tendrils. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2018, 20: 104-111.
[28] Cui X, Gutheil* E. Three-dimensional unsteady large eddy simulation of the vortex structures and the mono-disperse particle dispersion in the idealized human upper respiratory system. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2017, 114: 195-208.
[29] Cui X, CFD Study of the Flow Field and Particle Dispersion and Deposition in the Upper Human Respiratory System[D]. Heidelberg University, Heidelberg Germany, 2012.
[30] Cui X, Gutheil* E. Large eddy simulation of the unsteady flow-field in an idealized human mouth-throat configuration. Journal of Biomechanics, 2011, 44: 2768-2774.
[31] Farnoud* A, Tofighian H, Baumann I, Ahookhosh K, Pourmehran O, Cui X, et al. Numerical and Machine Learning Analysis of the Parameters Affecting the Regionally Delivered Nasal Dose of Nano-and Micro-Sized Aerosolized Drugs. Pharmaceuticals, 2023, 16(1): 81.
[32] Tran T, Huh S, Kim S, Cui X, Choi* S. Numerical investigation of the effect of tracheostomy on flow and particle transport characteristics in human airways. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34: 121901.
[33] Elwekeel F, Cui X, Abdala* A. Effects of chlorine particle concentration on the human airway. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2022, 24: 105.
[34] Babamiri A, Ahookhosh K, Abdollahi H, Taheri M, Cui X, Nabaei M, Farnoud* A. Effect of laryngeal jet on dry powder inhaler aerosol deposition: a numerical simulation. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2022: 1-16.
[35] Islam M R, Larpruenrudee P, Rahman M M, Ullah S, Godder T K, Cui X, Beni H M, Inthavong K, Dong J, Gu Y, Islam* M. How Nanoparticle Aerosols Transport through Multi-Stenosis Sections of Upper Airways: A CFD-DPM Modelling. Atmosphere, 2022, 13(8): 1192.
[36] Xue R, Cui X, Zhang P, Liu K, Li Y, Wu* W, Liao* H. Mechanical design and energy absorption performances of novel dual scale hybrid plate-lattice mechanical metamaterials. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2020, 40: 100918.
[37] Huntington T, Cui X, Mishra* U, Scown* C. Machine learning to predict biomass sorghum yields under future climate scenarios. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 2020, 14(3): 566-577.
[38] Hernandez* E, Cui X, Scown C D, et al. Techno-economic and greenhouse gas analyses of lignin valorization to eugenol and phenolic products in integrated ethanol biorefineries. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, Elias Martinez, 2019, 13(4): 978-993.
[39] Farnoud A, Cui X, Baumann I, Gutheil* E. Numerical Simulation of the Dispersion and Deposition of a Spray Carried By a Pulsating Airflow in a Patient-Specific Human Nasal Cavity. Atomization and Sprays, 2017, 27: 913-928.
[40] Shang X, Cui X, Huang* X, Yang C. Vortex generation in a microfluidic chamber with actuations. Experiments in fluids, 2014, 55(6): 1-6.
[41] Jeong* S, Cui X, Blake D R, et al. Estimating methane emissions from biological and fossil-fuel sources in the San Francisco Bay Area. Geophysical Research letters, 2017, 44(1): 486-495.
[42] Yao* Z, Zhang X, Cui X. Relationship between vortex and sound in under-expanded supersonic impinging jets. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2012, 68(9): 1126-1141.
[43] Bagley J, Jeong* S, Cui X, Newman S, Zhang J, et al. Assessment of an Atmospheric Transport Model for Annual Inverse Estimates of California Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2017, 122(3): 1901-1918.
[44] Brophy* K, Graven H, Manning A J, White E, Arnold T, Fischer M L, Jeong S, Cui X, Matthew R. Characterizing Uncertainties in Atmospheric Inversions of Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions in California. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2019, 19(5): 2991-3006.
[45] Leifer* I, Melton C, Chatfield R, Cui X, Fischer M L, Fladeland M, et al. Air pollution inputs to the Mojave Desert by fusing surface mobile and airborne in situ and airborne and satellite remote sensing: A case study of interbasin transport with numerical model validation. Atmospheric Environment, 2020, 224: 117184.
[46] Jeong* S, Newman S, Zhang J , Andrews A, Bianco L, Dlugokencky E, Bagley J, Cui X, Priest C, Campos P M, Fischer M, Inverse estimation of an annual Cycle of California's Nitrous Oxide emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 2018, 123(9): 4758-4771.
[47] Fischer* M L, Parazoo N, Brophy K, Cui X, Jeong S, Liu J, et al. Simulating Estimation of California Fossil Fuel and Biosphere Carbon Dioxide Exchanges Combining In situ Tower and Satellite Column Observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2017, 122(6):3653-3671.
[48] Jeong* S, Newman S, Zhang J, Andrews A, Bianco L, Bagley J, Cui X, Graven H, et al. Estimating methane emissions in California’s urban and rural regions using multi-tower observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2016, 121 (21): 13031-13049.
[49] Graven* H, Fischer M L, Lueker T, Jeong S, Guilderson T P, Keeling R F, Bambha R, Brophy K, Callahan W, Cui X, Frankenberg C, et al. Assessment of Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions in California Using Atmospheric Observations and Models. Environmental Research Letter, 2018, 13: 065007.
[50] Wu* W, Qian G, Cui X. Stress Fields Induced by Dislocation Loops in Isotropic CuNb Film-Substrate System. Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 5(3).
[51] Leifer* I, Melton C, Frash J, Fischer M, Cui X, Murray J, Green D. Fusion of mobile in situ and satellite remote sensing observations of chemical release emissions to improve disaster response. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2016, 4: 59.
[52] Yao* Z, Zhang X, Cui X. Relationship between vortex and sound in under‐expanded supersonic impinging jets. International journal for numerical methods in fluids, 2012, 68(9): 1126-1141.
[53] 崔新光, 姚朝晖*, 张锡文. 超声速中等欠膨胀冲击射流的涡声关系研究. 力学学报, 2009, 041(002): 169-176.
[54] 崔新光*, 姚朝晖. 超声速弱欠膨胀冲击射流流场结构. 推进技术, 2008, 29(6): 684-689.